Sunday, January 30, 2011

Article for February 2nd, 2011

Here I am again with a new interesting article. Well I actually found it interesting because the article is about business travel trends for 2011. Several weeks ago, there was an article about booking trends for 2011 and I am glad that there is now an article for the business trends because business travelers are a big part of our customers. In the hotels where i followed an intersnhip, the biggest part of their customers were business travellers.
And because they are a big part of the market, it is interesting to look at the evolution over the years. This year, they wrote a survey that they give to more than 600 business travellers. Now what are the top three trends for 2011?

1) Hotel accommodation
The survey checked out what were the preferences about hotel location for the business travellers. The response was that 83.% prefers a hotel near the location of business meeting; 54% prefers hotels where they can earn guest points and 31% prefers hotels where WIFI is included in the price

2)  Business /Leisure
In the survey, there was also a question about whether or not business travellers combine their trip with leisure. Almost 70% anwsered yes, this meaning that quite often a businessman takes his family with him in order to on one hand focuss on the meetings and on the other hand be free to spend time with their family

3) Last minute flight changes
The travel leaders experts were asked during the survey if whether or not last minute flight changes happened often. 60% responded that it still happened that flights had to be changed or cancelled. 34% answered that this happened only when it was necessary and extremely urgent. 5% said it happened almost never.


To conclude this article, I think that it is quite a good initiative to make up surveys to analyze the trends for the new  years because in that way we know better our market and we can prepare ourselves to anticipate in case it is necessary.
This is also so important because in the hotel industry, most hotels that are established in great cities depend on business travellers. They depend on the behaviour of the business travellers. It is important to know how your clients will react and what they prefer in order to adapt our management and attract more clients and in consequence higher our revenue.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Article for January 26th, 2011

The article I choose to comment this week is about " what consumers want most from a hotel in 2011".  Indeed this article is interesting especially for hoteliers to read, as they can find out what the consumers desire. A fact of today is that consumers want more for less, as said in the article.  The top three services where the consumers look at are:

Promotional offers/ discounts: consumers as said above want more for less. The look and compare prices of each hotel and then compare the inclusions and amenities that are for free. Today consumers are no longer happy with just a room. No it is also important to have free WIFI, free parking or airport shuttle service, etc...
Pool: swimming pools are the favorite aminities for the consumers whether they are single, in couple or with kids. A hotel with pool facility is always more attractive than a hotel whithout especially when you are with kids. But to be honest everyone likes a hotel with pool. Whether the pool is inside or outside ( depending on the climate), hotel guest like taking a little swim.
Extras: facilities as SPA and sauna are more and more interesting to consumers as well as fitness rooms.

What I can conclude from reading this article is that as time goes by, consumers want more and more but want to pay less and less. Well it is actually not suprising because life is expensive especially due to the crisis. Hoteliers are in that term forces to adapt themself to the consumers. So it is not surprising to see a five star hotel going to a four star hotel but with five star service in order to get more clients. Hoteliers also act that way because competition is high and the market is saturated. Consumers have bigger choices so they play with it and see what is the best offer for them..
I can understand the point of the consumers because going on holiday is expensive especially today. You need to have a big wage if you want to have a good life. But on the other hand, I'm wondering if this is not playing negatively for hoteliers. They are forced to not only lower their prices but also to put facilities included in the price. One thing is sure, this ain't going to improve. It is getting worse.

Thank you for reading!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Assignment: sixth sense device

Article for January 19th, 2011

This week my comment will be about the article "5 signs your marketing is outdated".  This article gives the 5 main reasons for digital marketing to be outdated. The author talks in her article about the website neglect, facebook and google places neglect and Landing and BT neglect.
In resume, your marketing is outdated when:
1) You can't remember what your website looks like.
2) If you forgot your passwords and users for facebook
3) You lost rankings on google search
4) Concerning landing and BT, your paid search traffic directs to your homepage
5) Behavioral targeting is not in your vernacular

So basically this means that digital marketing is a 24h job. If you neglect it like a week, it might be outdated. You have to be aware of everything and you have to work with it on a constant and continue basis.

Now, I found this article interesting to share because thanks to this, we can actually see the new face of today and tomorrow. Everybody has to be online constantly and be up to date with every single thing that comes out. There is a new application and you have to be aware of that.
Personally I don't like to be on the internet all the time, but the fact is that today everything goes through internet and whether you like it or not you are somehow forced to use it.
In one way it is a good evolution because it makes things easier and much quicker but on the other hand, if you want to things in the old way, you are blocked.  Above this there are people, who at this point of time, still do not have a computer or internet because they do not have the money to invest in it or simply because the connexion in that specific part of the world is so low that they work better without it. And my question is than always, how are they supposed to deal with it?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Article for January 12th, 2011

"The Crucial differences between Facebook and Twitter"

Today everybody talks about Facebook and Twitter. Those are the most popular public spaces where people exchange information and communicate. The article I read explains the main differences between those two spaces. First of all it is well known that Facebook is a more personal space than Twitter. Twitter is used in a professional way wether as Facebook is used by most people to publish their life on it.
Nowadays more and more hotels and other companies are as well using Facebook and Twitter.
Both these spaces give the opportunity to users to express themselfs about a product or company and in that way turn a bad experience into a good one.
The Second thing is that Facebook encourages people to give feedback and it works also like that. THanks to the like button people  can esaily see if the statement is popular,...
Twitter is more a space for allerts. A lot of companies use this space to place allerts. For instance, Virgin Airlines inform their passengers through Twitter about flight delays.

Both Twitter and Facebook are well known space. When you think about a space where you put statement about yourself or what you think in that very specific moment, you will rather use a facebook because it is where you find your friends from way behind.
If you are thinking about creating a professional network, you will rather use Twitter because most people say it is more professional.
I would say use whatever you want but be aware of what you put on the internet because once it is done you can't take the information or image back and it may influence the way people think about you.

Article for January 5th, 2011

"Why mobile-friendly will do for hotel websites?"

While I was looking for an article to sumarize, I fell on the article about mobile- friendly websites. I think this a very interesting subject because today allmost everyone goes to internet on their phone. Everybody now has a blackberry or Iphone. Feqw are the ones who stay with the old fashionned nokia mobile.

With this revolution, another change will come now in 2011 and that is that people will start booking their rooms through their mobile phone. Problems is that according the article some websites have to much of images and are to full and in consequence not easy to consult on your smartphone or iphone or even blackberry.
The question of all hoteliers is wether or not they should create a whole new website specially for the phones. The little issue here is that creating a whole new professional website means spending a lot of money and with the crisis still going on, hotels are not waiting for that kind of solutions.

What the hoteliers need to do is to make their websites like they say "mobile-friendly" so that customers can consult the website directly on their phones without qny problem. Be avoiding overloaded websites and putting the needed information this will be a whole new evolution of hotel marketing.

I think that this evolution is quite interesting. This gives the opportunity to people to spare even more time. If they want to check something while they are in the metro or the train, it is easy to open your phone and go on the internet.
It is useful for everyone who has an iphone, smartphone or blackberry but personnaly I prefer my nokia mobile.