"How to use negative reviews to effect positive change in your hotel"
This articles is more an article about advising people how to make positive changes into their hotel. Throughout the article the author is giving tips on how to take criticism and on how to improve your hotel and yourself.
In a first phase, the author talks about giving a chance to the customers to express themselves. The is the first step towards improvement.
In a second phase, the author advises to take negative criticism as a way to improve your qualities as a manager but also to improve your hotel ad the services that go with it.
A third point that is dicussed in the article is the leadership. In fact a good way to improve as a manager is to support your staff and to motivate them because service will only be good if employees are well taken care off and passionated about the hotel.
A last point that is very interesting about this article is that feedback from the clients will persuade in the board of directions of the hotel or the Head Quarters of the chain to invest in training, labor, communication,....
To conclude this article, I would say that the most important point of all is to communicate because a hotel where managers communicate with staff and vice versa is a hotel that a big chance on success.
I find this article very interesting especially because of the advisory face of the article. It is a fact that in today's world, competition is growing day by day and hotels try to find a way on how to attract new customers and fidelize customers.
For that specific reason I choose to comment this article. It explains and show how a hotel can improve itself, its services, staff and management. It explains also that we should show the customers that we care because customers are involved with emotions and happy customers are loyal customers.
It is my opinion that the ones who read this article and applies it in their daily occupation, will be successful in any means.
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